Lessons Our Kids Have Learned Since Becoming Homestead Kids

Homestead kids are children who grow up on a homestead or farm where they learn practical skills and valuable life lessons. These kids are often surrounded by animals, gardens, and fields, allowing them to gain an appreciation for nature and sustainability. Homesteading also teaches kids the importance of hard work, responsibility, and self-sufficiency.

Homestead kids learn practical skills such as animal care, gardening, cooking, and preserving food. They become knowledgeable about the land, seasons, and weather patterns, allowing them to plan for the future and be less dependent on external factors. 

Growing up on a homestead can provide unique opportunities for children. It allows them to connect with nature, develop critical thinking skills and reinforces the importance of self-reliance. Homestead kids possess practical skills and knowledge that are valuable assets in adulthood. They learn to be responsible, compassionate, and grateful, setting them up for a fulfilling and self-sufficient life.

They can do hard things

Homestead life isn’t always easy. There are early mornings, long days, and late nights. Some tasks take teamwork and communication skills. While some are quick and easy. 

Some tasks require you to put heart into it, like our goats. We got goats early this spring and they were bottle babies. Meaning we were warming milk and bottle feeding them every few hours. We loved those girls so much. They took our hearts when they were taken from us in a tragic accident. 

Our kids have learned how to do hard things and that some things come with a cost. 

“Raise a child in which he should go, and he won’t depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

Where Their Food Comes From

Being a part of the homestead community, we’ve gotten to see different aspects of the community and non-community. There aren’t incompetent questions but there are questions we’ve received over the years that surprise us, simply due to the lack of education on the topic.  

Our kids know where their food comes from. They understand that when we go to the store, that there is a farmer on the other end of what we’re picking up. When they see the cartons of eggs in the fridge, they understand and see the chickens – hens behind them. When they see the meat in the meat section, they see the animal and the process of how it got there. 

Our kids get their hands dirty in the garden and plant the seeds. They get to watch the smallest of seeds grow into something beautiful! They get to harvest and preserve what they grew. Ellie absolutely loves it. Easton participates in some of it and that’s okay! We never want them to feel like they have to but because they want too. 

They don’t need to be entertained

Children benefit greatly from playing outside. So, ours spend a great deal of time there! Outdoor activities contribute to physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development. Playing outside strengthens muscles, and exposure to sunlight is essential for bone growth. Cognitive skills, such as decision-making and time-management improve with outdoor play. Children also become more compassionate, confident, and self-aware when playing with natural elements. Outdoor play fosters communication and teamwork, developing social skills as well.

They’ve learned how to use their imagination outside and explore! How to build forts and toys from nature. We also tend to do a lot of homeschooling outside. There are so many school and life lessons that can be learned outside of screentime, books and paper. 

Caring for helpless animals

Part of homestead life is experiencing life and death. Apart of that is injury and illness. Our kids are learning how to tend to those needs. 

Caring for animals is a vital life skill that should be taught to children from a young age. It not only teaches them empathy and responsibility but also provides a hands-on learning experience. When animals become ill, it’s important to step up and provide the care they need. Kids can especially play an essential role in caring for sick animals. Caring for animals teaches children to become caring and responsible individuals.

Being a homestead kid has it challenges but it also has its rewards! We’re blessed to be able to live this life. To be able to teach our children and build up their character. For them to learn what hard work looks like. To have appreciation for the things that they have. 

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11


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