
Celebrating the Biblical Feasts

Yom Teru’ah/Feast of Trumpets is happening Oct. 2-4 depending on the moon! Feast of Trumpets is a festival of creating a joyful sound! 

Come join us out at the homestead Friday Oct. 4th @ 6:30pm. We will be having worship music, fellowship, food and a bonfire! We will be sounding the shofar, so bring one if you have it! 

**This is a pitch-in event. You’re invited to bring a biblically clean meal to share. We will be fixing a big ol’ pot of chili and potato soup, with all the fixins! 

Sukkot is another of the biblical feasts we will be hosting! Now this is a week long celebration, Wed, Oct 16, 2024 – Wed, Oct 23, 2024. However we are only opening the homestead for the weekend for guests. Fri. – Sun. Oct. 18-20.

Bring your tent or camper, we have the space for both. We will gather around the bonfire each evening. We will have bible study, fellowship and worship each day.

There will be fun activities set up. You’re also welcome to go for hike on the property.

Email us @ for more information about the feasts. 

Poultry Processing

Dylan & Meagan enjoy teaching the skills they’ve learned to help empower others!

They also offer hands-on poultry processing classes on their homestead. Email them for more details!

Homesteading Conferences

We have been blessed to speak at several different homesteading events such as Indiana Homesteading Conference in 2022 and in 2023, Patriot Homesteaders Conference in 2022 and Celebrating the Harvest in 2022. 

If you’d like to schedule us to speak at one of your events feel free to reach out.

Meeting Some of YOU!