Armor of God | Kid’s Shabbat School Lesson

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Scripture instructs us to “teach our children in the way in which they should go, and they will not depart from it.” That is one of the things Dylan and I strive to do with our children. We don’t normally attend Sunday church like most Christians do. We will typically stay home, celebrate Saturday Sabbath and watch Beth Yeshua International online or attend fellowship. You can read more and understand our faith with our statement of faith

In not attending your typical Sunday Church means our children aren’t attending Sunday School. So, that leaves us, their parents to teach them. We come up with different lessons each week. We teach different bible stories or life lessons tying in scripture. Sometimes we ask the kids if there is a story they want to study and go from there. 

Armor of God

We find King David being offered armor in 1 Samuel 17. He realizes he can’t walk with it but chooses to trust in Yahweh/God instead! David is victorious in defeating Goliath. (Read the Story of David & Goliath)

Paul is the author of Ephesians. He tells us what it looks like to put on the full Armor of God. Paul tells us that the things we battle against are spiritual. (Read Ephesians 6:10-18)

Worship Music Playlist!

Lesson Plan:

You’ll need:
2 Clear Containers (Filled with water)
2 Mandarin Oranges (One with the skin and one with the skin removed)

> After reading the story of Reading the Story of David & Goliath and Ephesians 6:10-18. Talk about what that armor looks like. That it’s invisible and placed on us by God/Yahweh. 
> Set your containers and your oranges in front of the children. Drop them in the water. Allow the children to observe what happens to each oranges. Talk about what they’re seeing.  

1) What are the oranges doing?
2) Which orange sunk? 
3) Which orange floated?
4) Why do you think one sunk and the other floated?
5) What are their differences? 

We are much like the oranges. When we have on our spiritual armor we float because God/Yahweh protects us and keeps us safe. When we don’t put on our armor or keep it held up, it’s really easy for us to sink. Talk about different ways the enemy might try and attack. Lies in our head, doubt, fear etc. See if you or your children can come up with a few. Then talk about ways to defeat those thoughts, feelings or experiences. Examples would be speaking the truth over the lies and doubt. Quoting scripture 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a Spirit who produces not fear, but power, love and self-discipline.”

Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit

> FREE Coloring Pages and worksheets. Find them here

Hope you enjoy this lesson and bible study! 


Different Teaching Materials: 
1) Bible Pathway Adventures
2) Trueway Kids 
3) Pinterest 

Amazon Affiliate Store Front with Bible Study Materials.

“Train a child in the way he [should] go;and, even when old, he will not swerve from it.” – Proverbs 22:6


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