Category: Faith
When Life gets Rough | Put it in the Basket
As we live and grow in this thing, we call life. We often experience joy, laughter and happiness but there are also times of hardship and difficulties. Seasons where we just want to give up. Where we just don’t want to carry on anymore. These are the seasons I like…
Hanukkah – Celebration of Lights
What is Hanukkah? Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its defilement by the Hellenistic Empire. During Hanukkah, a nine-branched menorah is traditionally placed in the window, and one candle is lit every night…
Creating a Prayer Space | War Room
Prayer is referenced so many times in scripture. The word “prayer” alone is referenced at least 127 times. The word “pray” is mentioned at least 2,164 times. It’s important! Yeshua/Jesus shows us how to pray in Luke 11. He warns us in Matthew 6 to be mindful how we pray. “But…
Finding Joy and Blessings, even in the Little Things
It’s almost been a year since we moved to our new homestead. Often the advice that is given when you move, is to not do much the first year. To really just watch your property and see what things do naturally. How does the water move or sit? What native…
Celebrating the Biblical Fall Feasts
The biblical feasts are a significant aspect of the Jewish faith that as Christians deserve our attention and appreciation. These feasts offer a unique opportunity to understand the rich history and the profound spiritual significance behind them. It serves as a remarkable reminder of what God has done for His…