Recap of the Indiana Homesteading Conference

The Indiana Homesteading Conference held its second annual homesteading event on Oct. 21-22. It’s loaded with amazing sponsors and vendors who help make the event so great! We’re thankful for each of them. 

The event founders take great pride in who they choose to speak at these events. They invite speakers on all sorts of different homesteading related topics. Such as food preservation, off-grid, animal husbandry, animal care, greenhouses, gardening, orchard care, herbal remedies, Indiana homestead laws and so much more!!  

Day 1

We walked around and met up with some beautiful friends and made new ones! 

We attended a few classes one of them being the Wild Edibles & Medicinals taught by Karen Lynn Burr.

It was really neat to learn and identify some of the medicals that are actually growing on our property through her class.  

This community is an amazing one! You can honestly walk up to most people who are strangers and just talk. Most of them are welcoming and love to share their story and homestead goals. Most are looking to build their community too! It’s the best time to take names and information. You never know when you might need them. 

Jeff & Tammy Hochstetlers
Homestead | Hochstetlers Haven | Indiana

Chase Stanfill of Chasin Dreams Homestead & Dana Burton of Growing Dreams Homestead

Zach & Jenn Stivers
Stivers Homestead

Day 2

Was another excited and eventful day! We were blessed to speak again at this conference. This year’s topic was the “Realities of Homesteading.” It was set up as a speaker panel. We were joined by Brian & Dana Burton of Growing Dreams Homestead and Randy Kemerly of Hidden Acres Fruit Farm.  

We spoke for over an hour. Some of that presentation is available in the YouTube video linked below. 

We had the opportunity to stand and chat with this lovely couple after our speaking presentation. 
Shiloh Valley Homestead

We met Tom Blanford of Clayfarm Alpacas. He is based outside of Seymour, Indiana. He was a great guy to talk to! He holds the title of having the award-winning #1 male alpaca in the country!!

We will actually be making plans to tour his facilities and help in the spring with learning how to shear alpacas.  Possibly even taking our homeschool co-op too! 

I was blessed to get the opportunity to meet Reb after our presentation on the “Realities of Homesteading”. Reb is the owner and operator of Little Plum Farm. Which is located in southern Indiana. 

Heidi Andrews is a beautiful friend and supporter of the Wolterman Homestead. It was wonderful running into her!

We were able to watch up close as Shawna spun rabbit hair into yarn. It was a really beautiful process. It’s definitely something we have interest in learning more about. 
Shawve’ Cluck N’ Fluff Farm 

Jayme Campbell is a beautiful friend. We actually met at last years Indiana Homesteading Conference. We’ve been able to stay connected ever since!

We met up with Mark & Ashley Burton of Mulberry Branch Farm and Brad of Farmer Brad to help assist Joel Salatin in his poultry processing class. 

Joel Salatin’s poultry processing workshop was the highlight of our weekend. Why? While yes, it’s almost every homesteader’s dream to learn up close by the master of poultry processing Joel Salatin. Honestly, it was so much more special. When we spoke on the “Realities of Homesteading” we were able to get to know some of the attendees by the questions they asked. We also were able to stand and talk with some of them after our presentation. Some of those attendees took Joel’s class. It was indescribable to watch the knowledge be absorb, the smiles spread across their faces and to literally watch them get their hands dirty learning! Poultry processing was one of the things we’d talked about during the presentation and here they were learning all about it. 

It’s a truly beautiful experience watching others learn and gain confidence. It brings us such joy.

Indiana Homesteading Conference we want to personally thank you again for the beautiful opportunity to share, meet and experience this amazing community. It means so much to the Wolterman Homestead. 

If you have the desire to learn, want to know more and make those connections be sure to be on the lookout for next year’s event!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” – 1 Thessalonians 5:11


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