On those cool evenings being able to see the stars so clearly while listening to the dogs howling and their feet moving quickly through the trees. They’ve found the trail of a raccoon. The hunt is on and the adrenaline is pumping!
When Dylan and I met he had this joy and passion for coon hunting. You see, I didn’t understand it but then again, I’d never met a coon hunter. I had all the questions and of course his response was, “well, let me take you hunting.”
What a fun experience our first hunt was. It was then I understood why Dylan has such a passion for it.

Working the dogs or training them is always interesting to see.
Typically, it’s done with a caged raccoon. The caged raccoon in the video was caught by a neighbor. The raccoons had been tearing into his feed and causing damage. He had caught 15 of them that week.

Coon hunting is usually done for harvesting the meat and or fur of the raccoon. Our family just goes for the fun and enjoyment of it. It’s also known as pleasure hunting. It’s where you leave the raccoon in the tree unharmed. When raccoons are in season, we will shoot down a couple for the dogs. It helps with their training.
I often get asked if we eat the raccoons. The answer is no, we don’t eat the raccoons. Raccoons are on the list of biblically unclean animals. It’s not something our family would consider to be food.

There are several different types of breeds when it comes to coon or hound dogs. The breeds vary somewhat in size, though color is the largest obvious difference. We prefer the Walker breed.
Chopper (pictured above) turned 14 this year. Dylan had him about 11 years. He passed away in October. Chopper was UKC & PKC registered.

Stella is our 3-year-old Walker. She’s our daughter Ellie’s dog. She lights up when the kids are around! Stella is UKC and PKC registered as well.
Hound dog registration is similar to other dog registrations however it shows the dog’s lineage with their hunt and contest winnings.
UKC stands for the United Kennel Club. UKC is actually celebrating their 125 anniversary this year!
PKC stands for Professional Kennel Club.
Pete is our NEW 7-year old male. He is Chopper’s son. We’re so blessed to have him. Knowing we have a continuation of Chopper’s bloodline.

Local hunting events is the best place to hunt if you’re looking to earn hunt points and cash winnings.
Usually, your specific county will have a hunting club.
UKC Hunts: Coonhound Events Calendar | United Kennel Club (UKC) (ukcdogs.com)
PKC Hunts: Events (prohound.com)
There are larger hunts around the country every year. That’s where the top hunters compete for BIG money. We always attend Autum Oaks in northern Indiana each fall.
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“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.” – Numbers 6:24-26
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