We hosted our first foraging medical class and here’s how it went!

On May 25, 2024, we opened our homestead to host a “Foraging Wild Medicinals Class”. We ended up having around 30 participants come from all over the state of Indiana. We were blown away to hear how far some of them drove! 

It was beautiful to hear their why, as to wanting to learn more about foraging. Some of them had experience and some didn’t. It was truly special hearing their stories and just wanting to grow their knowledge about medicinals.  

“God said, “Let the earth put forth grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees, each yielding its own kind of seed-bearing fruit, on the earth”; and that is how it was.” – Genesis 1:11

Some of the Medicinals We Found!

Here are some medicinal plants we found on our property. There is a wide variety and abundance. Many of them we found walking on our trails and pasture area. Karen was truly amazing pointing these out and introducing to the whole class. Participants were able to touch, taste and smell the different plants during our walk. 

Autumn Olives
Elaeagnus umbellata

Black Raspberry 
Rubus occidentalis

Pilea pumila

Clover – White & Purple

Elderberry – Berries & Elder Flower
Sambucus nigra


Flea Bane
Erigeron canadensis

Smilax rotundifolia

Golden Rod

Honey Suckle – Flower ONLY
Lonicera hildebrandiana

MapleLeaf Viburnum
Viburnum acerifolium

Verbascum thapsus



Poke Weed
Phytolacca americana


Popular Tree Blossoms & Bark 

Rabbit Foot Tobacco
Pseudognaphalium obtusifolium

Sassafras albidum

Self-Heal or Heal-All
Prunella vulgaris

St. John’s Wort
Hypericum perforatum


White Pine
Pinus strobus

Wood Sorrel
Oxalis acetosella

Achillea millefolium

The medicinals listed above we encourage you to do your own research and find out more information about them. We just wanted to share what we came across on our property.

Herbalist’s Information:

Karen is a licensed aesthetician, graduate of the Institute of integrative nutrition and a clinical Herbalist. She owns a herbal apothecary spa in Greenwood Indiana. Karen has a YouTube channel – Homesteading Herbalist Collective, where she loves to collaborate with other people throughout the state of Indiana, who are helping to create regenerative ways of healing themselves and our land.

Thank you to our class participants!!

“God said, “Let the earth put forth grass, seed-producing plants, and fruit trees, each yielding its own kind of seed-bearing fruit, on the earth”; and that is how it was.” – Genesis 1:11


2 responses to “We hosted our first foraging medical class and here’s how it went!”

  1. Mandy Sutherlin Avatar
    Mandy Sutherlin

    I would love to join a future class.

    1. Wolterman Homestead Avatar

      We’d love to have you! We’re currently taking with the herbalist and looking at our schedules! We are working on planning another class. We spent probably 4-5 hours together and we didn’t even cover our entire property! There’s more to explore.

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