Author: Wolterman Homestead

  • Homemaking with Christ at the Center

    Homemaking with Christ at the Center

    It can be hard, living in society today that promotes the thought that, “women need to have a career to be successful or women need to have a certain degree to be worth something.” I know not everyone feels that society says that, but I do. It makes it hard…

  • Challah Bread | Sabbath Bread

    Challah Bread | Sabbath Bread

    Challah bread is not just any bread. While our family isn’t Jewish or attempts to be, we have great respect for the culture and people. We’ve shared our faith beliefs before and we will typically fix a Challah loaf in preparation for our Shabbat dinner. This special and traditional Jewish…

  • Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    Becoming a Prayer Warrior

    Prayer, what is it? In scripture a couple words are mentioned. The Greek word for prayer is προσεύχομαι. It’s Strong’s G4336 – proseuchomai (pros-yoo’-khom-ahee). The Hebrew word is פָּלַל. It’s Strong’s H6419 – pālal (paw-lal’). Both words appear over 80 times each in scripture. Both words have the same or similar…

  • When Life gets Rough | Put it in the Basket

    When Life gets Rough | Put it in the Basket

    As we live and grow in this thing, we call life. We often experience joy, laughter and happiness but there are also times of hardship and difficulties. Seasons where we just want to give up. Where we just don’t want to carry on anymore. These are the seasons I like…

  • Hanukkah – Celebration of Lights

    Hanukkah – Celebration of Lights

    What is Hanukkah? Hanukkah, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a Jewish holiday that commemorates the rededication of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem after its defilement by the Hellenistic Empire. During Hanukkah, a nine-branched menorah is traditionally placed in the window, and one candle is lit every night…

  • Creating a Prayer Space | War Room

    Creating a Prayer Space | War Room

    Prayer is referenced so many times in scripture. The word “prayer” alone is referenced at least 127 times. The word “pray” is mentioned at least 2,164 times.  It’s important! Yeshua/Jesus shows us how to pray in Luke 11. He warns us in Matthew 6 to be mindful how we pray. “But…

  • Lessons Our Kids Have Learned Since Becoming Homestead Kids

    Lessons Our Kids Have Learned Since Becoming Homestead Kids

    Homestead kids are children who grow up on a homestead or farm where they learn practical skills and valuable life lessons. These kids are often surrounded by animals, gardens, and fields, allowing them to gain an appreciation for nature and sustainability. Homesteading also teaches kids the importance of hard work,…

  • Recap of the Indiana Homesteading Conference

    Recap of the Indiana Homesteading Conference

    The Indiana Homesteading Conference held its second annual homesteading event on Oct. 21-22. It’s loaded with amazing sponsors and vendors who help make the event so great! We’re thankful for each of them.  The event founders take great pride in who they choose to speak at these events. They invite…

  • Making Fire Cider at Home

    Making Fire Cider at Home

    Fire cider is a folk remedy that has been used for centuries to boost the immune system and combat colds and flus. It is a potent blend of apple cider vinegar, honey, garlic, onion, ginger, turmeric, and other herbs and spices. It is believed that the combination of these ingredients…

  • Making Colloidal Silver at Home | Natural Antibiotic

    Making Colloidal Silver at Home | Natural Antibiotic

    Colloidal silver has been used for centuries to treat a myriad of ailments, from wound infections to lung diseases. The ancient Greeks and Romans used silver to increase healing and prevent disease. In the early 1900s, colloidal silver gained popularity as an antibiotic before penicillin was discovered. During World War…